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Режиссёр Ник Лехейн


Once upon a time, a Bull was born. From a black stone. And on the day he was born, a call to adventure took him away to find his voice.
On June 24 and 25, Ilkhom Theatre will open “Bull n’ Birds” an original production by Mitya Zolotov directed by Stephen Thomas Ochsner.

Bull n’ Birds is a myth for today, a theatrical erector set assembled from a wasteland of the imagination. Among its parts are Farid ud-din Attar’s “Conference of the Birds”, Carl Jung’s archetypes, the mysterious god Mithra, American folklore and a hymn to Inanna by Princess Enheduanna, the first author known to humankind.
“Bull n’ Birds” is a myth for the 21st century.
Stephen Thomas Ochsner, director: “About 4,500 years ago humans redirected their praise from the Earth to the Sun. In doing so, men and women ushered in an era of potential, will-power, control and independence over rest, compassion, intuition and dependence. However, despite the promises of progress, it seems to me that we have signed an altogether unfair contract with nature. Today it is clear that our relationship with Earth is in a deep crisis. Progress has given us television, medicine and space exploration, but men and women continue wrestling with problems from a thousand years ago.
We want to tell the story of a young man’s journey to understanding his own interdependence with nature. It’s a fairy tale, a very naive play with a wish for us all to find a new way of thinking. What new way? Let’s find out together.”
As part of the story that touches on topical issues about the interaction of human beings with nature and with themselves, the production team solves the problem of creating the right theatrical conditions for youth. With it, they aim to give the audience an opportunity to ethically explore their roles as men and women in today’s world through art.
Insomuch as the production poses ethical questions about the human being in relationship with self and nature, Ochsner and Zolotov attempt to create theatrical conditions in which youth may explore their roles as men and women in today’s world.
The project is supported by the US Embassy in Uzbekistan.