1 Jkub Skrzywanek

Underground girls

September 10th and 11th the PREMIERE of the performance “Underground Girls” (by E. Reilly and J. Skrzywanek)

Once upon a time in a land far far away the world ended for women. This is their story, their strength, survival, and heart ache. “Underground Girls” is a wild and immersive exploration of freedom and oppression.

“Underground Girls” is based on the book by Jenny Nordberg “Underground Girls of Kabul: in search of the hidden resistance in Afghanistan”, interviews with female Afghan refugees, and interviews with people who are still living in Afghanistan after August 2021. The show tries to answer the questions; why does society prefer men? Why do we still find it so difficult to accept that a man and a woman can be equal? “Underground Girls” explores the disastrous consequences of denying women freedom. Today women are still trying to fight for basic human rights; the freedom to be independent, educated, and to determine their own destiny. This performance attempts to give voice to those whose screams we still do not want to hear.

General Partner of the project: Delegation of the European Union to Uzbekistan
Strategic partner – the Swiss Cooperation Office at the Embassy of Switzerland in Uzbekistan.
Project Partner: Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Tashkent
Project sponsor: FE LLC “KNAUF GIPS BUKHARA”

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