Just in time for the new year, the Ilkhom Theatre of Mark Weil is launching a new project to honour our 45th anniversary.
In this auspicious season, we want to return to our roots and the first plays to enter our theatre’s repertory. Throughout the season, we will revive nine of these shows for our audiences.

Three unrehearsed readings await you in December:⠀
15 December – Play Strindberg by Friedrich Dürrenmatt
17 December – Duck Hunting by Alexander Vampilov
19 December – Scenes at the Fountain by Semyon Zlotnikov
Staged readings such as these usually take place behind closed doors. It is a way for artists to get familiar with new material which they may eventually develop into full performances. But this time, in front of a live audience, our actors will reconnect with and reinhabit the characters they have played before.⠀
We offer audiences a chance to journey back in time, guided by their favourite actors. ⠀
This project is supported by Knauf Uzbekistan.