Exhibition of two artists “Two points of view”

Oksana Bedritskiy and Mary Melnikova – two artists who decided to co-operate to show the world’s beauty in routine life. The subject of an experiment is the still-life paintings, which were depicted in their own unique way. Traditional paintings and graphic arts will be introduced according to artists’ individual visions. You will have a chance to see the same objects with different points of view of each artist respectively.
In the world of modern art which is full of abstract images, lines, senses, this exhibition will give a chance to return to realism, everyday life surrounded by us.
We appeal to you to take enjoyment in exhibition.
Every visitor can form an opinion about each artist, its manner of painting, as well as understand himself and to make a choice between peaceful contemplation or whirlpool of colors, fluency of lines, bold brushstrokes or combine all of them into one.
Take a chance to visit the exhibition of two artists Oksana Bedritskiy and Mary Melnikova “Two points of view” and identify yourself!