Dear friends!

Our “Ilkhom fellow” (since there are no ex-“Ilkhom fellow”) actor Mark Sorsky came up with a wonderful initiative to create a book together, an almanac of memories about our Master – Mark Yakovlevich.
On January twenty-fifth, 2022, Mark Weil would have turned seventy years old. And publishing such a book would be the best gift from all of us.

“As many people as possible who cherish the memory of our mutual friend, teacher and colleague will be able to participate in this project.

Each of you has a chance to tell a story. Or two, or forty – as you wish! Any memory that you consider worthy, whether it is sad or funny, about work, study or a memorable party about the opening night at “Ilkhom”, even in verse, even in prose – as you wish!
Everyone who remembers Mark Yakovlevich Weil, for whom he was a friend, teacher, colleague and just a good neighbor, or a respected acquaintance! We must and can preserve the memory of him.
In addition to all of the above, these may be rare photos, reviews or articles – it is even possible that they were written by you! There are no frames on the subject, volume, or form!”

Send your stories to:
or to the theater’s e-mail:

And the best of them will be performed on the stage of the “Ilkhom” Theater on Mark Weil’s birthday on January 25.